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Georgian Dream fails to impeach President Zurabishvili

Georgia’s ruling party has accused the president of violating the constitution by conducting diplomatic trips abroad without the government’s consent.

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Datablog | Attitudes towards disinformation on social media in Armenia and Georgia 

Armenian and Georgian internet users have different perspectives on the effect of social media disinformation and its effect on their respective countries, according to a CRRC analysis.

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OC Insider

Promises of peace ring hollow

Since Azerbaijan’s military victory in the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War, Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev has frequently repeated on both the national and international stage how committed he is to peace in the region.

Mariam Nikuradze

Co-founder & Co-director

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Georgia’s ‘zombie’ hydropower projects

Despite years of controversy and local opposition to large hydropower plant projects, Georgia’s government has announced it will resume their construction. 

Georgia’s ‘zombie’ hydropower projects

Despite years of controversy and local opposition to large hydropower plant projects, Georgia’s government has announced it will resume their construction. 

Wagner’s North Caucasian mercenaries fail to wash away their sins with Ukrainian blood

Many in the North Caucasus fear the return of thousands of Wagner mercenaries formerly convicted of robbery, rape, and murder.

Wagner’s North Caucasian mercenaries fail to wash away their sins with Ukrainian blood

Many in the North Caucasus fear the return of thousands of Wagner mercenaries formerly convicted of robbery, rape, and murder.

Roses and Velvet: a contested legacy of revolution

This year marks 20 years since Georgia’s Rose Revolution, and five since the Velvet Revolution in Armenia.

Roses and Velvet: a contested legacy of revolution

This year marks 20 years since Georgia’s Rose Revolution, and five since the Velvet Revolution in Armenia.

Beka Grigoriadis: ‘Those who fought alongside Lazare have abandoned him’

Beka Grigoriadis has protested daily against the prosecution of his son Lazare, who is on trial for his role in the foreign agent law protests.

Beka Grigoriadis: ‘Those who fought alongside Lazare have abandoned him’

Beka Grigoriadis has protested daily against the prosecution of his son Lazare, who is on trial for his role in the foreign agent law protests.


Opinion | The EU should step up its support for Armenia

As Moscow turns on Pashinyan, the EU should step up its support for Armenia’s fledgling democracy.

Opinion | Georgia’s labour oversight body has backtracked on transparency

A move to hide employers’ names from public access threatens the much-needed protection of labour rights in Georgia. 

Opinion | The Ingush are leaving Russia

A Russian collapse following their defeat in Ukraine is inevitable, and when it comes, the Ingush are ready to forge their own future.