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Ingushetia bans sale of alcohol during Ramadan

29 May 2017

The parliament of Ingushetia has passed a law banning the sale of alcoholic beverages during Ramadan, as well as a number of public holidays. The head of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, authored the amendments.

Yevkurov has announced a ban on the sale of alcohol annually at the beginning of Ramadan for several years. However, there were previously no sanctions for violating this ban.

The adopted amendments introduces a fine ranging from ‎₽4,000–50,000 ($70–880).

According to Parliamentary Speaker Zyalimkhan Yevloyev, restrictions will also be introduced on the public holidays of Eid al-Fitr, Child Protection Day, and Day of Knowledge.

According to the official website of the Parliament of Ingushetia, Yevloyev said that the initiative aims at ‘protecting morality, health, rights, and legitimate interests of citizens. This means that these days it will not be possible to buy vodka, wine, beer and other spirits in any stores even during the daytime’.

MPs, who voted in support of the ban, referred to the religious feelings of the believers.

‘Muslims hold fasts during the month of Ramadan. However they can come across alcohol in stores where we all go to buy food. The temporary dry law has a positive message and it takes into account the special state of believers who observe a strict fast’, Yevloyev’s statement reads.