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EU flag torn down from Georgian Parliament in second day of far-right street violence 

7 July 2021
The scene outside the Georgian Parliament on the night of 6 July. Photo: Mariam Nikuradze/OC Media.

Tbilisi has seen a second day of far-right street violence as groups of homophobic extremists attacked journalists once again and attempted to attack a demonstration against the violence of the previous day.

Several thousand people including queer rights activists and supporters and opposition leaders gathered outside parliament on Tuesday evening to protest Monday’s violent suppression of a planned Pride march.

Monday’s Pride, which was to be the country’s first, was called off after mobs of violent homophobic protesters took to the streets following calls by the Georgian Orthodox Church. At least 53 journalists were attacked in the violence.

[Read more on OC Media: Homophobic mob celebrates on Tbilisi streets after Pride march cancelled]

During Tuesday’s protest, which was protected by police, members of the Georgian queer community and Tbilisi Pride unfurled rainbow flags next to a metal cross illegally erected outside parliament the previous day. 

Supporters of Tbilisi Pride were present at Tuesday’s demonstration. Photo: Tata Shoshiashvili/OC Media.

Police initially secured the space in front of Parliament blocking Rustaveli Avenue to give space to the protesters and continuing the homophobic counter-protesters in front of the Kashveti church located across the parliament. 

Soon after, counter-protesters broke out and laying siege to the anti-violence demonstration on three sides, repeatedly attempting to break through the police lines. Some threw plastic bottles, often filled with sand, and eggs and attacked journalists, resulting in arrests.

Police again refrained from deploying riot gear, including water cannons, which are frequently used against nonviolent or less violent anti-government demonstrations, including during the coronavirus pandemic and in cold weather.

Far-right protesters tried to break through police lines repeatedly. Photo: Mariam Nikuradze/OC Media.
Photo: Mariam Nikuradze/OC Media.

After several hours, police cleared the area in front of parliament and escorted the crowds away, allowing the far-right mob to reclaim the space. The groups then tore down the EU flag that hangs outside parliament and set it alight. Protesters also removed the flag the previous day. 

The Interior Ministry said they detained 100 individuals throughout the evening, releasing 68 of them shortly after. 

The anti-violence demonstration was joined by several opposition groups including Libertarian party Girchi — More Freedom, European Georgia, and Lelo.

Several thousand gathered to protest the violent disruption of Tbilisi Pride. Photo: Tata Shoshiashvili/OC Media.
Photo: Tata Shoshiashvili/OC Media.

Security alarm outside TV company Pirveli

Hate groups, including Guram Palavandishvili, who leads the Society for the Protection of Children’s Rights, were aggressive towards journalists throughout the evening. 

[Read from OC Media: Editorial | A state-sanctioned attack on Georgia's free press]

During the standoff, counter-protesters attacked a TV crew from Formula with one attempting to cut a cable to prevent the station from broadcasting.

Palavandishvili personally threatened OC Media’s director, Mariam Nikuradze, telling her that ‘there will be dead among you’. 

Another unidentified man threatened to ‘smash’ Nikuradze’s camera ‘on her head’. 

Guram Palavandishvili. Photo: Mariam Nikuradze/OC Media.
Photo: Mariam Nikuradze/OC Media.

Shortly before the rival demonstrations began, a group of men assaulted a camera operator working for Palitranews in front of Parliament, leading to the first detentions of the day.

Independent private TV company Pirveli, three of whose journalists were injured on Monday, reported mass police mobilisation outside their offices in the early hours of Wednesday morning. 

Pirveli’s news programme cited reports from the Georgian security services indicating that several groups planned to stage a protest outside the channel’s offices. 

Pirveli, as well as TV companies Formula and Mtavari, have been supportive of Georgian queer rights and critical of the government over their response to hate-motivated crimes.

On Wednesday morning, the Interior Ministry reported four additional arrests for obstructing journalistic work and group violence against employees of TV channels Pirveli and Mtavari on Monday. The day was unprecedented in the scale of violence against media professionals as they tried to cover the anti-Pride demonstrations.