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Our writers

Viktorya Muradyan

Viktorya Muradyan is currently pursuing her second MA degree in International Relations and Diplomacy at the College of Europe Bruges. She is a freelance journalist and frequent contributor to Regional Post Caucasus and evnmag. She produces and hosts her podcast series 'Eastern Dialogue' about Eastern Partnership states.

Zachary Fabos

Zachary Fabos is an International Fellow at CRRC Georgia.

Zarina Sanakoeva

Zarina is a journalist and civil activist from South Ossetia. She holds bachelor’s degrees in philology and political science from the South Osetian State University.

Zaruhi Hovhannisyan

Zaruhi Hovhannisyan is a human rights activist, feminist, and publicist, whose texts and articles are published in newspapers and analytical magazines in Armenia and abroad. She is a member of the Prison Monitoring Group and Public Relations Specialist in the Coalition to Stop Violence Against Women.

Zhala Bayramova

Zhala is a Human Rights Lawyer based in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Zhalavdi Geriyev

Zhalavdi is a Chechen journalist who was persecuted by the Russian authorities for his journalistic activities. He is currently an intern at King’s College London.