Anano Kipiani
Anano is a policy analyst at CRRC Georgia.
Datablog | The importance of remittances for Georgian households
Those Georgians whose households received remittances from abroad had a significant increase in economic wellbeing.
Datablog | Both religion and the county’s Soviet past contribute to Homophobia in Georgia
Religiosity appears to encourage homophobia — but so too does a communist past.
Datablog | Georgians are becoming more accepting of premarital sex
While Georgian society tends to find sex before marriage unacceptable for women, attitudes are slowly changing.
Datablog | Georgians want their government to support Ukraine
The Russian invasion of Ukraine shook Georgia, and new polling from CRRC Georgia reveals the extent of the political fallout so far.
Datablog | Georgians are still conservative, but attitudes are slowly changing
Newly released data suggests that the public’s attitudes are changing about women having pre-marital sex and children out of wedlock.
Datablog | Almost everyone in Georgia believes in the supernatural
Survey data suggests that 91% of Georgians believe in either good luck charms, fortunetellers, faith healers, or horoscopes.