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Aslan Urumov

Aslan is a journalist based in Kabardino-Balkaria.

Voice | ‘Help comes from those who themselves need help’

Eighty-six year-old Syrian refugee Shaziya Nukh has found nothing but poverty and isolation in Kabardino-Balkaria, the land of her ancestors.

Russia’s North Caucasus: buried in gas debts

The Russian government has accused the North Caucasus of not paying their energy bills, but many locals say bills are beyond what they can afford.

The green zone: where Russia’s Caucasian prisoners are fighting back

Singled out for beatings, bullying, and torture — North Caucasian inmates in Russian prisons have developed a system of resistance.

Kabardino-Balkaria’s commission on former militants — handcuffed by police ambitions?

A number of high-profile prosecutions has raised doubts over the authorities’ commitment to reintegrating former militants into society.