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The Caucasus Datablog

The Datablog analyses issues and trends in the region using data and public polling. It is a collaboration between OC Media and CRRC Georgia.

Datablog | What predicts job satisfaction in Georgia?

Unemployment remains one of the most frequently cited concerns among Georgians, but how satisfied with their jobs are those who are employed?

Datablog | UNM supporters are especially pessimistic about their economic future

With the pandemic still raging, Georgians are unsurprisingly pessimistic about their economic future. 

Datablog | Who thinks Georgia handled the pandemic successfully?

Polling suggests few differences between demographic groups, but a stark political divide.

Datablog | More people feel healthy during the pandemic

While the pandemic has clearly harmed people’s health, data suggests that people considered themselves more healthy in 2020.

Datablog | Do people have enough information about COVID-19 in Georgia?

The government has taken several measures to raise awareness about COVID-19; but are the public actually well informed?

Datablog | Despite gains in 2020, Georgia’s institutions remain poorly trusted

Trust in most institutions rose significantly since the start of the pandemic, but some institutions gained more than others.

Datablog | Are Georgia's risk-loving men to blame for the spread of COVID-19?

Research conducted by CRRC shows that young Georgian men are more prone to risky behaviour, including social behaviour which increases the chances of COVID-19 transmission. 

Datablog | Political campaigning in Georgia: informing or mobilising?

Campaigning is believed to both mobilise voters to actually go out to vote as well as win over voters, but which is most relevant in Georgia. 

Datablog | Georgian TV and the political framing of foreign actors

No matter their political stripes, TV channels in Georgia frame association with Russia as politically condemnatory and association with Western countries as praiseworthy. 

Datablog | Georgian voters: personalities, policies, or a bit of both?

Personality trumps policy in Georgian voter preference, but the economy is still an important factor.