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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Suspect in Daghestani newspaper founder murder convicted on drug and weapon charges

Magomed Khazamov is one of the official suspects in the 2011 killing of Chernovik founder Khadzhimurad Kamalov.

Activist killed as grenade blast rocks Ingush shopping centre

Authorities say two people including one opposition activist were killed in ‘return fire’ after detonating a grenade in Nazran.

Georgian nationalists ‘block foreigners from public service hall’

Authorities questioned several conservative leaders for stopping foreigners on a discriminatory basis and say they have opened an investigation

Pashinyan block wins landslide in Armenia’s snap parliamentary elections

The former ruling Republican Party did not pass the 5% threshold to gain seats in parliament.

Russian court rules Chechen–Ingush land swap legal

The verdict contradicted a ruling by Ingushetia’s constitutional court that the deal required public approval in a referendum.

Georgia temporarily lifts ban on sale of agricultural land to foreign citizens

Foreign citizens have nine days to register agricultural land they have bought or inherited.

Former Armenian president Kocharyan re-arrested but vows to fight on from jail

The decision comes two days before the snap parliamentary elections expected to cement PM Pashinyan’s power

Georgia ‘tightens noose’ on cannabis after Constitutional Court legalises use

The new anti-cannabis law bans consumption for people under 21, outside of the home, and more.

Georgian politician fined $0.37 for homophobic slur

Queer rights activists say they fear such low fine will encourage homophobia.

Georgia ‘has not heard of’ border crossing announced by Chechen state TV

Chechen state TV outlined ongoing construction of a road crossing between Georgia and Russia, linking Khevsureti with Chechnya.