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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Russian Constitutional Court begins considering Ingush–Chechen land deal

The head of Ingushetia Yunus-Bek Yevkurov is appealing a decision by Ingushetia’s constitutional court outlawing the controversial deal.

Georgian opposition gives government 16 December ‘deadline’

The UNM-led opposition coalition again demanded snap parliamentary elections

Fired TV Iberia employees claim company used them for business interests

Former staff fired en mass in October claim they are owed unpaid salaries and compensation

North Caucasus State Academy ‘illegally evicting’ families

Some former teachers and their families facing eviction from the local academy dormitories have lived there for over 30 years.

Controversy over Chechen Aukh District resettlements continues in Daghestan

Chechen Daghestanis have claimed that houses promised to be returned to them have instead been sold

Opposition refuses to concede, calls for protests and snap elections

Grigol Vashadze called for protests in Tbilisi and snap parliamentary elections after losing Wednesday’s run-off poll to Salome Zurabishvili.

Zurabishvili wins Georgian presidency

The ruling party’s endorsed candidate beat rival Grigol Vashadze by 60% to 40%

Georgian conservative groups come out against Vashadze for president

Three days before the final vote, the Alliance of Patriots endorses the ruling party favorite Salome Zurabishvili.

Circassians and Abaza in Karachay–Cherkessia appeal to Putin over ‘discrimination’

Three Circassian and Abaza organisations protested what they say is a disproportionate allocation of power amongst the republic’s ethnic groups.

Georgian Justice Minister: election watchdogs ‘caught lying’ over voter fraud allegations

The three leading transparency groups have refused to name the whistleblower they said informed them of the scheme