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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Daghestani MP detained for ‘creating criminal network’ issuing forged documents

Magomed Makhachev is accused of costing the state at least ₽24 million by issuing fake disability documents.

Armenia reassures Russia after criticism from Lavrov

Russia said they were concerned about ‘politically motivated’ arrests in Armenia’s anti-corruption crackdown.

Cleaners protest in Makhachkala over non-payment of wages

Municipal cleaners in Daghestan’s capital have not been paid in three months.

Syrian president Bashar al-Assad to visit South Ossetia

South Ossetian president Anatoly Bibilov said the timing of the visit was uncertain due to Assad's 'busy schedule’.

Seven officials sentenced in Ingush anti-extremism centre torture case

On Friday, former employees of the Ingush Centre for Countering Extremism, Centre E, were sentenced.

Constitutional court outlaws all punishment for cannabis consumption in Georgia

The court’s Monday ruling, effective immediately, means people will no longer face even administrative punishments, such as fines, for cannabis use.

Protests in Kabardino-Balkaria over retirement age rise

More than 500 people gathered in Nalchik on Saturday with protests also in the republic’s second city, Prokhladny, and cities throughout Russia.

Armenian ex-president Robert Kocharyan charged over 2008 crackdown

Kocharyan appeared in court on Friday morning charged with 'breaching the Constitutional order'.

Russian Government orders North Caucasus to pay gas debts

The government said that North Caucasian officials had been ‘ineffective’ in ensuring energy debts were paid.

Kabardino-Balkaria Supreme Court denies compensation for Chernobyl ‘liquidators’

The court said the group of emergency workers from the nuclear accident filled their application too long after a 2017 ECHR ruling in their favour.