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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Workers march 110 km to Tbilisi demanding reopening of sugar factory

The workers, from the town of Agara, are demanding the government step in to save the plant.

More detentions as Armenian protests enter seventh day

Thousands continue to protest in Yerevan against ex-president Serzh Sargsyan’s appointment as Prime Minister of Armenia.

‘Gradual decriminalisation’ initiative slammed by activists in Georgia

Activists denounced the initiative as it would not remove the use or possession of drugs in small quantities from the Criminal Code.

Ex-president Serzh Sargsyan appointed Armenian PM as opposition declares ‘velvet revolution’

Mass-protests in Yerevan went into a fifth day on Tuesday, with protesters reportedly surrounding government buildings and clashing with police.

Miners demand ‘temporary halt’ to coal mining in Tkibuli

The group are demanding the mining company improve safety conditions in the mines after six miners were killed earlier in April.

Protests erupt in Armenia ahead of ex-president’s ‘appointment as PM’

Thousands took to the street to protesters the likely appointment of Serzh Sargsyan as Prime Minister of Armenia.

Man pardoned for domestic violence arrested for ‘murdering stepdaughter’ in Tbilisi

Vepkhia Bakradze is accused of cutting the throat of his stepdaughter in front of her two children.

Gazprom Media ‘to broadcast in Georgia’

NTV-Plus, owned by the largest Russian state media holding, Gazprom Media, says the move is a ‘social mission’.