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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Daghestani woman who returned from Syria sentenced to 8 years in prison

Muslimat Kurbanova, 25, is to serve her sentence in 13 years time, when her daughter turns 14.

Protesters rally against construction of big dams in Georgia

Dozens gathered in Tbilisi on Wednesday to rally against construction of dams in their regions.

Georgian PM under fire after call for ‘direct dialogue with Abkhazians and Ossetians’

Opposition parties criticised the PM’s statement, Russa said it was ‘satisfied’, while the EU Ambassador said it ‘argues for sensible steps’.

Two detained in South Ossetia allowed to return to Tbilisi-controlled territory

Levan Kutashvili and Ioseb Pavliashvili were detained with Archil Tatunashvili, who died in custody ‘in unclear circumstances’.

Azerbaijan opposition parties protest snap presidential elections

The biggest Azerbaijani opposition groups held a rally against snap Presidential elections scheduled for 11 April.

Feminists and transphobic protesters face off in Tbilisi

Homophobic protesters threw eggs and chanted ‘shame’ at a rally by the Women’s Movement, who were calling for more rights for transgender women.

No laws, just shame: Sexual harassment in the South Caucasus

Sexual comments, groping, and worse are something women in the Caucasus must often face, and the laws in place do little to protect them.

Georgia’s parliament adopts labour safety law

All 88 MPs present voted in favour of the bill, in a plenary session on 7 March.

‘Secret meeting’ between Georgian broadcaster, TV regulator, and ruling party

The heads of the Georgian Public Broadcaster, state telecoms regulator, and PR for Georgian Dream ‘conspired to select member of board of trustees’.

Borjomi’s mayor and staff go on strike

Borjomi’s local government is in crisis in a dispute between the opposition-run council and GD mayor, over pay rises at the mayor’s office.