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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Celebration, mourning, and protest mark ceasefire anniversary in Armenia and Azerbaijan

The agreement signed on the night of 9 November 2020 brought an end to the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War. 

Live updates: Georgians go to the polls in mayoral runoffs

Georgians go to the polls today in the second round of local elections.

A new list of political prisoners in the North Caucasus

According to human rights activists in Russia, there are at least 420 political prisoners in the country right now, of those 33 are in the North Caucasus. 

ECHR rules Russia is guilty of abducting a Chechen government critic

The whereabouts of Salman Tepsurkayev, who was abducted over one year ago, are still unknown.

Did Iran stop an Azerbaijani advance in the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War?

The claim was first made public by an Azerbaijan-based military news outlet, then supported by comments from a Middle East Eye bureau chief. 

Prison riot in Vladikavkaz over alleged torture

The riot erupted against the backdrop of a scandal about alleged torture and sexual abuse of inmates in Russian prisons.

15-year-old student stabbed to death in capital of Daghestan

The alleged killer was the victim’s classmate and has been charged with murder.

Tbilisi Pride founder faces prison for swearing at police

Giorgi Tabagari faces 15-days in jail for cursing at a police officer while being chased by homophobic mob on 5 July. 

Preliminary results give Georgian Dream victory in local elections

With 91% of votes counted, Georgian Dream is leading with 47% of the popular vote nationwide.

Live updates: Georgians go to the polls

Today municipal elections are seen as a key test for the ruling Georgian Dream party after nine years in power and a series of scandals.