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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Live updates: Mikheil Saakashvili arrested

Former President Mikheil Saakashvili has been arrested in Georgia on the eve of crucial local elections. 

Saakashvili arrested in Georgia on eve of election

Former President Mikheil Saakashvili has been arrested in Georgia on the eve of crucial local elections.

OC Media launches partnerships with local media

Articles produced by OC Media will now be appearing in four languages after partnerships were agreed upon with five local media outlets.

Georgia’s Ministry of Defence sues former Minister and media magnate

The Defence Ministry is seeking compensation from ex-Defence Minister David Kezerashvili who is also the majority owner of the Formula television channel.

South Ossetian security official meets with the Taliban 

According to a Taliban spokesperson, they discussed ‘issues related to both countries’ as well as regional security and the situation in Afghanistan.

Construction of Georgia’s Namakhvani hydropower plant cancelled

Turkish construction firm Enka said they had pulled out due to ‘breaches of contract’ by the Georgian Government and force majeure.

99.7% for Kadyrov as United Russia sweeps elections in the North Caucasus

The elections in Russia were marred by irregularities and in the North Caucasus resulted in a landslide victory for United Russia and incumbent authorities.

Videos show families of exiled government critics threatened in Chechnya

According to an OC Media source, Russian police were involved in the making of the videos. 

Georgian citizen arrested for murder of Australian Shanae Brooke

According to the Interior Ministry, DNA ‘unequivocally confirmed the identity of the accused.’

FSB detains four Ingushetia natives for ‘preparation of terror crimes’

Two were reportedly detained for ‘complicity’ in preparing terrorist attacks.