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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Coronavirus live updates | Georgian government will begin to cover utility fees

Live updates with the latest news on the Coronavirus pandemic around the Caucasus.

Coronavirus live updates | Georgia’s curfew begins

Live updates with the latest news on the Coronavirus pandemic around the Caucasus.

Georgia introduces curfew

Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia has announced that the country is ‘practically’ going into a nationwide quarantine from Tuesday at 08:00. 

Coronavirus live updates | Georgia introduces curfew

Live updates with the latest news on the Coronavirus pandemic around the Caucasus.

Azerbaijani students ‘beaten’ after complaining about quarantine conditions

A group of students who were evacuated from Turkey to Nakhchivan have complained of being held in dire conditions.

Coronavirus live updates | Chechnya on lockdown

Live updates with the latest news on the Coronavirus pandemic around the Caucasus.

Video | Company Town

This old industrial town in western Georgia is famous for its manganese mines. But the industry, the city’s lifeblood, is now literally undermining the homes of some of its residents. Meanwhile, the Georgian government sits back and does nothing.

South Ossetia goes into quarantine

The measures being enacted include closing shops and restaurants and banning foreign citizens from entering. 

Coronavirus live updates | ‘Highly likely that there might be a precedent of domestic transmission’

Live updates with the latest news on the Coronavirus pandemic around the Caucasus.

Abkhazia to enter state of emergency from Saturday

A curfew has already been announced as part of the state of emergency but few other details have emerged.