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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Minibus drivers strike in Daghestan

One hundred and sixty drivers are currently on strike.

Armenia Referendum on Constitutional Court scheduled for 5 April

Depending on the referendum’s result, seven of nine Constitutional Court judges may be forced out.

Candidate’s lawyer dies during Azerbaijan vote count after ‘disputing result’

An investigation is ongoing into the death of Subhan Hajiyev, who died during vote counting in northwestern Azerbaijan. 

Preliminary results show almost no change in Azerbaijan parliament

Journalists and local observers published footage of dozens of violations during the poll and many reported being attacked.

Journalists and observers ‘attacked’ in Azerbaijani parliament elections

There have been widespread reports of other serious violations including ballot-box stuffing and carousel voting.

Local observers issue damning report on Azerbaijan election campaign

Azerbaijani’s are due to go to the polls on Sunday for first snap parliamentary elections in the country’s post-independence history.

Georgian opposition parties boycott parliament

MPs from all opposition parties have begun a boycott of parliament over the government’s U-turn on proportional elections.

Balkar Council of Elders congress disrupted in Kabardino-Balkaria

Several dozen people broke into the event and took control of the podium and microphone.

Transgender employee attacked in Spar supermarket in Tbilisi

The incident is the third attack on an employee of Spar in Tbilisi in the last two months after a 20-year-old cashier was murdered in December.

Family of deceassed Nagorno-Karabakh solider dispute suicide ruling

The family of Vahram Avagyan, who the authorities say shot himself, have claimed Avagyan was murdered.