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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Man arrested in Armenia for fake Facebook account that ‘threatened’ national security

The account made a post alleging Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan congratulated the US Ambassador after Qasem Soleimani’s assasination.

Georgian president refuses to pardon ‘poison plot’ archpriest Giorgi Mamaladze

Giorgi Mamaladze, was convicted of plotting the murder of the secretary of Patriarch of the Georgian Orthodox Church Ilia II.

Voice | ‘The occupation of Abkhazia makes us occupied too’

Nona Bukia tells of the social ills that have been caused by Abkhazia’s closure of crossing points three years ago.

Kabardino-Balkaria man sentenced to 11 years in prison for ‘aiding to the Islamic State’

Kasheshov’s lawyers and rights group Memorial have argued that the proceedings have been marred by irregularities and allegations of toruture.

Georgian authorities clear Parliament protest camp for New Year’s amusement park

Police arrested 10 activists in the early hours of 31 December for trying to prevent municipal sanitary workers from clearing the site.

Eight protest leaders in Ingushetia accused of creating extremist group

A new criminal case has been opened against eight protest leaders in Ingushetia, who are already under police investigation for protest related violence.

Chair of Armenia’s Constitutional Court charged with abuse of power

The Armenian Parliament had previously, and unsuccessfully, voted to strip Hrayr Tovmasyan of his powers.

Azerbaijani rapper Paster arrested and allegedly tortured

Parviz Guluzade was accused of ‘violating public order under influence of drugs’ and ‘disobeying police orders’.

Owner of pro-Kocharyan television channel arrested in Armenia

Armen Tavadyan was arrested in connection with a case in which police have accused supporters of ex-President Robert Kocharyan of bribing witnesses.

Georgian Government to seize overdue taxes from TV companies Kavkasia, Pirveli, and Rustavi 2 

Kavkasia, Pirveli, and opposition groups have accused the government of attempting to silence critical media.