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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Daghestani Interior Ministry publishes video testimony of 14-year-old rape victim

The release came as the authorities faced questions over allegations the police tortured one of the suspects and the victim’s parents.

Georgian Government hits out at ‘fake news’ after Facebook takes down pro-government pages

Georgian Dream and pro-government media accused others of being behind ‘fake news’ after Facebook removed hundreds of pro-government accounts.

Armenian newspaper office broken into

The founder of Joghovurd told reporters that ‘nothing of value’ had been taken.

Voice | ‘My part in exposing this system’

Sasha Kalmakhelidze, 24, was arrested for possession of MDMA. He tells the nightmarish story of his arrest and detention.

First three convicted in Ingush protest trials

A Russian court has convicted three people for their participation in anti-land deal protests in Magas on 26–27 March.

Four arrested in Armenia for illegal adoption ring

The crime ring is alleged to have coerced and lied to pregnant women to sell 30 children for adoption abroad.

Facebook takes down hundreds of fake news pages ‘connected to Georgian government’

Hundreds of pages, accounts, and groups were taken offline for engaging in ‘coordinated inauthentic behaviour’ on behalf of the Georgian Government.

Police search home of former head of Armenian Football Federation

The police have not, as of yet, charged Ruben Hayrapetyan with any crime.

FSB raid homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Karachay-Cherkessia

Ten people were reportedly detained and a criminal case was opened against one person.

Teenage boy takes own life in Tbilisi following ‘psychological abuse’ by police

Fifteen-year-old Luka Siradze took his own life after police officers allegedly used threats to coerce him into confessing to vandalising a school.