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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

South Ossetia orders tit-for-tat checkpoint construction in latest border escalation 

The announcement came after unsuccessful negotiations with the Georgian government to remove their own checkpoint in the area.

South Ossetia tensions rise as Georgia sets up new police checkpoint

The move comes weeks after Russian troops erected new fences on the disputed South Ossetian border.

Circassian activist Martin Kochesoko released on bail as defence claims rigged witness testimonies

Kochesoko’s defence insists that drugs were planted on him and witnesses gave false testimonies.

Abkhazian presidential elections to go to second round

Incumbent President Raul Khadzhimba will likely face opposition candidate Alkhas Kvitsiniya in the run-off ‘within two weeks’.

Georgian national, Chechnya–Russia war veteran killed in Berlin

Khangoshvili’s relatives speculate he was targeted by Russian secret service.

Detentions as a tool of political pressure ‘on the rise’ in Azerbaijan

Through 2011–2018, the number of administrative arrests in Azerbaijan has doubled, the report of the Institute for Democratic Initiatives says.

Human Rights Watch calls on Georgia’s government to end dangerous mining practices

The international rights group said workers’ lives were being put at risk in order to meet production quotas.

Anti-Semitic statement by Kadyrov provokes anger amoung Russian-Israeli Jews

In a speech to a visiting delegation from Jordan, Kadyrov said the Jewish people were ‘the main enemies of Islam’.

Father of Georgia’s TV Pirveli owner charged with money laundering

Fears grow over a clampdown on media a year before the parliamentary elections.

Communist Party holds protests for ‘fair elections’ in Kabardino-Balkaria

The local communists held rallies in Nalchik and Prokhladnoye as part of a nationwide campaign.