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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Azerbaijani football commentator suspended over racist remark against Chelsea’s N'Golo Kante

Commentator Ismayil Abdullayev was suspended for making a racist remark about Chelsea midfielder N'Golo Kante.

Rustavi 2 fires head of news and says more journalists to be let go

Nodar Meladze, and four prominent journalists at the channel will be dismissed.

Yabloko calls for election boycott in Ingushetia

The boycott of upcoming local elections was a response to a crackdown on dissent following last year’s Chechen-Ingush land deal.

Georgian Dream MP alleges summoning him for corruption investigation is politically motivated

Bidzina Gegidze has had several high-profile disagreements with his party.

Confrontation at Baku court as pepper spray used against defendants

Employees of the Penitentiary Service used pepper spray on 11 men convicted of the 2018 Ganja protests while they were behind bars. 

New ‘borderisation’ in South Ossetia cuts off property of two Georgian families 

Russian border guards began setting up new fences in the village of Gugutiantkari on 7 August.

Daghestani authorities refuse 64th request for protest permit in support of imprisoned journalist

Daghestan’s Ministry of Justice has denied a permit to supporters of Chernovik journalist Abdulmumin Gadzhiyev to hold a protest.

Kadyrov causes outrage in Daghestan with comments on Imam Shamil

Kadyrov accused the leader of the resistance to the Russian Empire’s 19th-century conquest of terrorising the inhabitants of Chechnya.

Kibar Khalvashi to sell Rustavi 2

Khalvashi said that Rustavi 2 is on the edge of bankruptcy, with a ₾70 million [$24 million] debt.

UEFA penalises FC Dinamo fans for ‘racist behaviour’

A nazi salute and a banner displaying the numbers ‘88’ are suspected as the cause of the UEFA sanction.