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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Former Rustavi 2 director Nika Gvaramia indicted

Gvaramia, the former director of the pro-opposition TV, has been indicted for ‘abuse of power’.

Daghestani man awarded compensation for unlawful prosecution

Sultakhan Ibragimov was awarded ₽800,000 ($12,000) in compensation for moral damages over his illegal criminal prosecution.

Russian rights group accuses authorities of torturing businessman in Kabardino-Balkaria

Memorial released allegations that Ruslan Kasheshov was tortured into confessing to crimes he did not commit.

Pashinyan calls for ‘unification’ between Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia

He made the controversial remarks in a speech delivered for the opening of the Pan-Armenian Games in Stepanakert.

Railway workers quit en masse after wildcat strike in central Georgia

Sixty railway construction workers walked out after failing to reach an agreement with their employer — China Railway 23rd Bureau Group.

New election rules will feature media regulation, Georgian Dream MP says

The ruling party says they still intend to implement a fully proportional voting system before the next elections.

Chechen teenager gives tearful public apology to Kadyrov

Chechen state TV broadcast the video of a 16-year-old boy apologising in tears to Kadyrov for criticising local officials.

Georgian opposition activist sentenced to 9 months for insulting judge

Zviad Kuprava made the comments about the judge, who was not present, in the court canteen.

Chechen parliament chair Daudov in spat with Daghestani historian over new Chechen border tower

The traditional Chechen watchtower was built on a disputed area of the Chechen-Daghestani border.

Protest in Baku in support of hunger-striking opposition politician

Around 20 people marched through Baku’s Winter Park demanding the release of Azad Hasanov and other political prisoners.