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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Opposition MP Nika Melia stripped of parliamentary immunity

Georgia’s Parliament effectively greenlit Melia’s arrest over violence at an anti-Russia protest on 20–21 June.

Ingushetia’s head to step down after eight months of turmoil

After the recent political turmoil, the Head of Ingushetia has announced his resignation after over 11 years of rule.

Georgia switches to proportional electoral system bowing to protesters’ demands

Ivanishvili made the announcement after a closed-door meeting with party officials.

FSB officer convicted of ‘grievous bodily harm’ for stabbing man to death in Kabardino-Balkaria

Major Pavel Sterlyagov was convicted of ‘intentionally causing grievous bodily harm’ but cleared of murder for stabbing a man to death.

Georgian Parliamentary speaker resigns amidst anti-Russia protests

Irakli Kobakhidze stepped down after hundreds were injured in Thursday night’s clashes with police.

Russian MP’s appearance in Georgian Parliament sparks protests across Georgia

Protests erupted after the Communist Party MP addressed the Georgian Parliament from the chairman’s seat.

Thousands clash with police as protesters try to storm Georgian Parliament

Dozens were reported injured as a protest over a Russian MP’s appearance in parliament turned violent and police deployed tear gas and rubber bullets.

Activist arrested in Georgia on Azerbaijan’s request

Avtandil Mammadov’s lawyer says his client is being persecuted for his criticism of the Azerbaijani government.

Tbilisi Pride evacuates office after ‘receiving death threats’

‘I’ll cut your head off and become a hero!’, said one of the messages.

Georgia’s ‘most popular’ minister resigns

Davit Sergeenko, the Minister of Health, Labour, and Social Affairs, regularly came out on top in public opinion polls.