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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Georgian Dream loses constitutional majority as MPs leave party

Those leaving included Georgian Deam founding member Eka Beselia and Social Democrats deputy chair Beka Natsvlishvili.

Georgia beefs up labour inspection department

Inspectors from the ‘more autonomous’ new department will have powers to inspect all workplaces without a court order or giving prior warning.

TBC Bank chairs step down over money laundering investigation

The resignations followed a demand they go from the Georgian National Bank a week ago.

Tbilisi’s first queer pride announced for June

Organisers said they would not hold a festive march as ‘Georgian queer people have little to celebrate’ while far-right groups vowed to thwart it.

Georgia ‘likely to scrap’ most of controversial mountain road

The government says roads connecting Khevsureti with Tusheti and Pankisi are likely to be scrapped but a Juta–Roshka road is still going ahead.

Dozens protest in Batumi against ‘uncontrolled’ construction projects

Organisers described new residential high-rises in the city as ‘gruesome’ and ‘dysfunctional’ and leaving locals and tourists breathing polluted air.

Georgian National Bank orders TBC to remove board leaders

The National Bank cited ‘violations’ of laws regulating conflicts of interest which were discovered in transactions from 2007–2008.

Georgia took ‘no steps’ for women’s empowerment in 2 years for EU AA

A group of leading civil society organisations have been assessing the government’s progress in its 2017-2020 EU Association Agenda.

Georgian President in disagreement with government over exclusion from security council

A former deputy secretary of the NSC warned that the ‘excessive powers’ it’s new head may wield were a bigger problem.

Georgian social workers set to strike unless work conditions improve

Almost all of the country’s social workers are set to go on strike on 1 March, over what they say are poor working conditions and a lack of resources.