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Robin Fabbro

Before joining OC Media as an editor at its founding in 2017, Robin worked in Georgia’s NGO sector. He is passionate about human rights and social justice and is a big believer in giving voice to marginalised people and tackling tough subjects head-on. Robin enjoys hiking, KFC, and the Oxford comma.

Sweden-based Chechen dissident Tumso Abdurakhmanov reportedly murdered

The Swedish police said they were aware of the reports but declined to comment at this time.

CSTO summit welcomed with protests in Yerevan

The summit is being attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

Kenya blocks export of baobab trees to Georgia citing ‘irregularities’

Documents suggest the trees were destined for the Shekvetili Dendrological Park, set up by Georgian Dream founder Bidzina Ivanishvili.

Ukrainian Parliament recognises independence of Chechnya

The Verkhovna Rada also unanimously condemned ‘the commission of genocide against the Chechen people’.

Pelosi condemns Baku and pledges support for Armenia

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said that the US Congress condemns Azerbaijan’s ‘invasion of Armenia’.

South Ossetia cancels referendum on joining Russia

President Alan Gagloyev cited ‘the inadmissibility of a unilateral decision affecting the ‘rights and interests of the Russian Federation’.

South Ossetia to hold Russian annexation referendum on 17 July

President-elect Alan Gagloyev has previously opposed the initiative by the outgoing president, arguing that they should wait for a signal from Moscow.

Azerbaijani government ran cyber espionage and influence ops on Facebook, company says

Facebook said they had removed a ‘hybrid network’ that ‘combined cyber espionage with Coordinated Inauthentic Behaviour’.

Georgian National bank vows to assist sanctions-hit VTB Bank

The National Bank said they would provide financial aid to the Georgian branch of VTB after it was hit with Western sanctions over the war in Ukraine.

OC Media’s top 10 articles of 2021

From the aftermath of the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War, the pandemic, and political crises throughout the region, 2021 was an eventful year in the Caucasus.