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Live updates: Azerbaijan launches strikes along Armenian border

13 September 2022
Sotk, Gegharkunik. Photo: Arman Tatoyan/Facebook.

Azerbaijan launched an attack along the Armenian border in the Syunik, Gegharkunik, and Vayots Dzor regions at around midnight on 13 September, accusing Armenia of violating the ceasefire.

[Read on OC Media: Azerbaijan launches attacks along Armenian border]

Azerbaijan has said that the attacks were a response to ‘provocations’ from Armenian ‘saboteurs’, claiming that Armenian units had planted landmines in Lachin and Kalbajar — control of both regions was given to Azerbaijan at the end of the second Nagorno-Karabakh War.

Armenia has claimed 49 casualties so far, while Azerbaijan has announced the death of 50 service members.

Map of Azerbaijani strikes on the territory of Armenia as reported by Armenian official sources and media.

For ease of reading, we choose not to use qualifiers such as ‘de facto’, ‘unrecognised’, or ‘partially recognised’ when discussing institutions or political positions within Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, and South Ossetia. This does not imply a position on their status.

14 Sep 2022, 01:25

CSTO to send fact-finding mission

The Collective Security Treaty Organisation will respond to Armenia’s request for aid with a fact-finding mission and a working group to monitor the situation, Russian state news agency Ria reports.

The mission’s task will be to ‘assess the situation in the conflict zone’ and ‘develop proposals for de-escalating tensions’.

The creation of the mission and working group was the result of an extraordinary session of the CSTO held earlier on Tuesday upon Armenia’s request. The online meeting was attended by the heads of state of most CSTO members, including Russia’s Vladimir Putin. 

Article 4 of the CSTO treaty states that an attack on one member will be considered an attack on all, and obligates members to provide military support.

14 Sep 2022, 00:41

US State Department again appears to blame Azerbaijan

In his daily press briefing, US State Department spokesperson Ned Price appeared to place the blame for the latest fighting on Azerbaijan.

While not directly blaming any sied, when asked who was responsible, Price reiterated readouts of Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s calls last night in which he urged president Aliyev to respect the ceasefire and ‘disengage military forces’. 

‘The fact is, we have seen significant evidence of Azerbaijani shelling inside Armenia, significant damage to Armenian infrastructure’, Price said.

14 Sep 2022, 00:24

US calls for Russia to use influence to bring an end to violence

In his daily press briefing, US State Department spokesperson Ned Price said there was ‘no doubt’ that Russia has ‘outsised influence’ on both Armenia and Azerbaijan.

He said that Russia could ‘use that influence for ill’ or to bring about an end to the fighting.

‘We have called on Russia, and do call on Russia, to use that influence and use that leverage in a way that helps to achieve a cessation of hostilities and more broadly a de-escalation of those tensions’.

14 Sep 2022, 00:01

Armenia applies to ECHR

Armenia has applied to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) requesting provisional measures against Azerbaijan for ‘targeting of civilian settlements in Armenia, the protection of the fundamental rights of the civilian population and prisoners of war’. 

Armenia’s representative to the ECHR, Eghishe Kirakosyan, told local media that the application included a request for protection of one captive ‘before his repatriation’.  

Kirakosyan said Armenia would also apply to the International Court of Justice, which is currently hearing suits and countersuits from Armenia and Azerbaijan regarding the 2020 war.

13 Sep 2022, 22:33

TASS: UN Security Council meeting scheduled for tomorrow

The UN Security Council will hold an emergency session tomorrow to discuss the situation on the Armenia–Azerbaijan border, Russian state-media TASS has reported citing a source in the UN.

13 Sep 2022, 22:01

Aliyev breaks his silence

In his first statement since the fighting broke out earlier this morning, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev offered his condolences to the families of the soldiers who have died in the fighting.

He added that their deaths had been avenged.

13 Sep 2022, 21:19

Mikroskop: Azerbaijani pro-government figures push for ‘buffer zone’

Independent Azerbaijani media outlet Mikroskop has suggested that pro-government media and MPs are pushing to normalise the idea of Azerbaijan creating a ‘buffer zone’ inside Armenian territory.

13 Sep 2022, 21:09

Azerbaijani MoD: 50 service members killed

The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defence has announced that 42 Azerbaijani soldiers and eight military personnel from the State Border Service were killed ‘while preventing large-scale provocation’.

13 Sep 2022, 21:07

Blinken urges Aliyev to ‘cease hostilities’

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has urged President Ilham Aliyev to ‘cease hostilities’.

Blinken stressed in a phone conversation with Aliyev that ‘that the United States would push for an immediate halt to fighting and a peace settlement between Armenia and Azerbaijan’.

13 Sep 2022, 20:57

Russia stresses the importance of enforcing the 2020 ceasefire agreement

In a phonecall with his Azerbaijani counterpart, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Larvov said that it was ‘necessary to avoid conflict in the region’, stressing the importance of the full implementation of the 2020 ceasefire agreement.

13 Sep 2022, 20:48

Bayramov: military tension in the region is not in the interest of Azerbaijan

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeyhun Bayramov and Hikmet Hajiyev, Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan, have told journalists in a media briefing that as ‘reconstruction works are being carried out in the territories freed from occupation, military tension in the region is not in the interest of [Azerbaijan]’.

13 Sep 2022, 19:00

Aliyev receives senior US diplomat

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has received the Senior Advisor for Caucasus Negotiations, Philip Reeker.

Reeker arrived in Azerbaijan earlier today.

13 Sep 2022, 18:54

Armenian MoD: situation remains tense in some parts of the border

The Armenian Ministry of Defense has stated that as of 18:00, the situation remains tense in some parts of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, where Azerbaijani troops tried to advance their positions throughout the day. 

‘Although it is still too early to talk about the stabilisation of the situation, the intensity of shelling recorded at midnight has significantly reduced’, a ministry spokesperson said.

13 Sep 2022, 18:51

Turkey: Europe desperately needs Azerbaijan’s gas

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has stated that ‘after the  gas supply from Russia was cut off, Europe first turned to [Turkey] and then to Azerbaijan. Why? Because Europe desperately needs Azerbaijan's gas’.

13 Sep 2022, 18:18

Parents of those killed in the 2020 war demand Pashinyan’s resignation

The parents and relatives of Armenian servicemen killed during in the 2020 war have gathered near the Armenian parliament demanding the government’s resignation.

Local media has reported a heavy military presence in the area.

13 Sep 2022, 17:59

Azerbaijan appeals to UN to assist in ‘humanitarian demining’

In a letter to UN Secretary General António Guterres, Azerbaijani Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeyhun Bayramov has accused Armenia of violating the ceasefire agreement by ‘intensively lay[ing] mines’ in Azerbaijani territories.

Bayramov has called on Armenia to fulfil its obligations within the framework of international law, and appealed to the UN to ‘mobilise all resources and expertise’ at its disposal to assist in the ‘humanitarian demining’ of Azerbaijan.

13 Sep 2022, 17:56

Ukraine: Russian mediation and peacekeeping efforts ‘worthless’

The spokesperson of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Oleg Nikolenko stated that Ukraine is closely following the situation, urging the parties ‘to a political and diplomatic settlement of the conflict in compliance with the international law norms, particularly the respect of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states within their internationally recognised borders’. 

The Ukrainian ministry also criticised efforts made by Russia to de-escelate the conflict, saying that they were ‘worthless’ and demonstrated Russia’s ‘inability to fulfil any taken commitments’.

13 Sep 2022, 17:52

43 Armenian service members wounded in Gegharkunik

Governor of Gegharkunik, Karen Sargsyan has said that the situation in the region remains extremely tense and that, as of 16:00, at least 43 service members were wounded in the region only.

Those in critical condition were taken to the capital Yerevan. 

13 Sep 2022, 17:48

TikTok blocked in Armenia

Armenian media experts report that TikTok is partially blocked in Armenia. According to Information security and media expert Samvel Martirosyan, Armenians have experienced difficulty accessing the platform since around 13:00.

13 Sep 2022, 16:35

US sends senior advisor to Baku

The US Embassy in Baku reported that Philip Reeker, the Senior Advisor for Caucasus Negotiations, will arrive in Azerbaijan today to ‘discuss US support for diplomatic efforts between Azerbaijan and Armenia toward a lasting peace’.

13 Sep 2022, 16:32

European Council President calls for a ‘complete and sustainable ceasefire’

‘There is no alternative to peace and stability — and there is no alternative to diplomacy to ensure that’, tweeted the President of the European Council Charles Michel.

13 Sep 2022, 16:29

MEP Marina Kaljurand: ‘no time for toothless statements’

Marina Kaljurand, Estonia’s former foreign minister and current member of the European Parliament as well as chair of the Delegation for Relations with the South Caucasus, has condemned Azerbaijan’s ‘large-scale military attack’ and accused its leadership of 'taking advantage of the global and regional situation created by the aggression of Russia against Ukraine'. 

13 Sep 2022, 16:25

Georgian PM: Georgia ready to mediate

In a telephone call with his Armenian counterpart, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Gharibashvili has expressed Georgia’s ‘readiness to engage in active mediation for the sake of de-escalation and peace in the region’.

Gharibashvili also expressed his hope that Armenia and Azerbaijan will return to the negotiating table to resolve the conflict peacefully.

Georgia had previously hosted a round of meetings between top Armenian and Azerbaijani diplomats in Tbilisi in July 2022.

13 Sep 2022, 16:24

EU: all forces should return to positions held prior to this escalation

The EU High Representative Josep Borrel has called for an end to hostilities, adding that the ‘ceasefire should be fully respected’.

Borrell added that the EU was ‘committed to continuing to act as an honest broker between Armenia and Azerbaijan to help achieve the common goal of a South Caucasus that is secure, prosperous and at peace, for the benefit of all its people’.

He announced that EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus Toivo Klaar is slated to travel to both Armenia and Azerbaijan as part of the de-escalation efforts. 

13 Sep 2022, 15:22

Kremlin spokesperson: Putin making ‘every effort’ for de-escalation 

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin ‘is making every effort to help de-escelate tensions on the border’.

He added that ‘intensive work is now underway at the expert level’, refraining from sharing any more details at this point.

13 Sep 2022, 15:16

France to raise the escalation at the UN Security Council

Following a phone call with Nikol Pashinyan, French President Emmanuel Macron said that France would raise the topic of the latest escalation between Armenia and Azerbaijan at the UN Security Council, according to French media

France currently holds the presidency of the UN Security Council for the month of September.

Macron added that he continued to ‘call for strict respect for the ceasefire and respect for the territorial integrity of Armenia’. He also expressed his readiness to hold talks with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

13 Sep 2022, 15:15

Armenian MoD: the situation remains ‘extremely tense’

The Armenian Ministry of Defence has reported that the Azerbaijani military continues to advance its positions in Nerkin Hand, Verin Shorzha, Artanish, and Sotk, ‘despite the considerable weakening of the intensity of the shelling’.

A ministry spokesperson also stated that they were monitoring videos being shared on Azerbaijani social media allegedly depicting bodies of Armenian soldiers killed in the fighting.

13 Sep 2022, 15:13

Council of Europe: the commitment to resolve the conflict peacefully ‘must be respected’

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe Marija Pejčinović Burić has urged Azerbaijan and Armenia to ‘resolve the conflict peacefully’. 

‘The Council of Europe is ready to assist in reconciliation efforts which contribute to achieving a peaceful settlement’, the statement of the Council read.

13 Sep 2022, 14:51

NATO calls for ‘urgent de-escalation’

NATO’s Special Representative for the Caucasus & Central Asia, Javier Colomina, expressed concern about attacks along the Armenia and Azerbaijan border and reported strikes against settlements and civilian infrastructure inside Armenia, calling for ‘an immediate cessation of hostilities and urgent de-escalation’. 

13 Sep 2022, 14:48

U.S. Embassy in Baku expresses ‘deep concern’ about attacks

The U.S. Embassy in Baku shared the Department of State’s call to cease hostilities, and reiterated that ‘there can be no military solution to the conflict’. 

13 Sep 2022, 14:23

CSTO advocates for ‘political-diplomatic’ approach

After Armenia’s appeal to the Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organisation, the treaty’s secretariat issued a statement saying that work has been organised to implement the CSTO mechanisms for stabilising the situation. 

CSTO press secretary Vladimir Zaynetdinov added that use of force was ‘unacceptable’ and ‘only political-diplomatic methods and agreements, as established in the statements of the leaders of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Russia’ following the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war should be used to settle the disagreement.

13 Sep 2022, 14:05

New strikes near Goris and Sotk

Civilnet’s correspondents in Goris reported fresh strikes and sounds of artillery fire near the city from 13:00. Fire in the area had stopped for less than an hour before resuming. According to Civilnet’s reporters, a ceasefire mediated by Russia was also not observed near Sotk, where strikes continued throughout the morning.

13 Sep 2022, 13:37

Kobakhidze says Georgia is ‘ready’ to play its part

Irakli Kobakhidze, the Chairman of Georgia’s ruling party, stated at a press conference that, ‘If Georgia and the government of Georgia can play any role in this, of course we are absolutely ready’, in answer to a question regarding the ongoing conflict on the Armenia–Azerbaijan border.

‘The main goal for everyone should be, of course, to stop the conflict', Kobakhidze added.

The Georgian Foreign Ministry has not yet made any statement about the latest escalation.

13 Sep 2022, 12:57

Iranian president: new war in the region ‘unacceptable’

In a phone call with Pashinyan, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said that a ‘new war’ in the region was ‘unacceptable’.

'All conflicts in the region should be resolved peacefully and Iran’s position regarding the territorial integrity of states is clear’, Raisi stated. 

13 Sep 2022, 12:46

Three civilians wounded, Armenian MOH says

According to the Armenian Ministry of Health, three civilians were wounded in settlements near the border with Azerbaijan. The condition of one of the injured is ‘severe’, while the other two, 83 and 24-year-old women with shrapnel wounds, were treated at the Martuni hospital.

13 Sep 2022, 12:39

Turkey expresses ‘serious concern’

In a phone call with his Azerbaijani counterpart, Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar expressed serious concern regarding the escalations on the Armenian–Azerbaijani border.

13 Sep 2022, 12:37

OSCE urges calm

The OSCE has urged Armenia and Azerbaijan to not ‘squander’ progress ‘achieved on the diplomatic path’, calling for the immediate cessation of hostilities.

13 Sep 2022, 12:34

Russia claims ceasefire is in place, fighting continues

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has claimed that a ceasefire between Armenia and Azerbaijan came into force at 09:00. Neither side has confirmed any cessation of hostilities as of the afternoon.

13 Sep 2022, 12:33

Yerevan–Stepanakert road ‘might’ be dangerous

The Nagorno-Karabakh authorities have reported that the situation in the region is relatively stable, but has stressed that the only road connecting Armenia with the disputed region is close to the conflict zone and might be dangerous. The civilian population was urged to only use the road in the case of ‘extreme necessity’.

13 Sep 2022, 12:30

The Azerbaijani Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jeyhun Bayramov, has blamed Armenia for the military escalation across the border.

This took place in a phone call with the American Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried, who expressed her concern about the growing tensions and called for an immediate cessation of hostilities.

Jeyhun Bayramov and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu had a telephone conversation. During the talks, Çavuşoğlu expressed Turkey's concern over the tension on the border since last night and ‘stressed the importance of Armenia fully fulfilling its obligations within the framework of the agreements reached.’

13 Sep 2022, 12:22

Pashinyan: ‘we won’t provide a corridor through Armenian territory to anyone’

In a televised statement, Pashinyan has dismissed any plans to establish any corridors connecting mainland Azerbaijan to the exclave of Nakhchivan through Armenia.

He stressed that Armenia has accepted Azerbaijan’s five-point suggestions for the peace deal, but that ‘recently [..] it turned out that Azerbaijan refuses to conduct peace talks based on principles presented by [Armenia].’

Pashinyan said that Baku refuses to negotiate on the status of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with Armenia, as it considers it to be already ‘resolved or an internal affair of Azerbaijan’.

13 Sep 2022, 11:33

Armenian PM: 49 killed, numbers will rise

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that the number of killed since the start of the skirmishes at midnight this morning has reached 49, adding that ‘the numbers will rise’.

He also said that tensions with Azerbaijan had ‘calmed down a bit’, but that the Azerbaijani offensive continues on several fronts.

13 Sep 2022, 10:51

Iran ready to help

Iran has expressed readiness to provide any assistance to resolve the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the country’s Foreign Ministry reports.

13 Sep 2022, 10:43

‘International concerns’

The US State Department has urged Azerbaijan and Armenia to ‘end any military hostilities immediately’.

International human rights watchdog Freedom House also expressed concerns about Azerbaijan’s ‘intensive’ shelling of the southern Armenian settlements of Goris, Jermuk, Vardenis, and Sotk, urging both sides to cease fire. 

13 Sep 2022, 10:41

Armenia appeals for Russian and international assistance

Armenian PM Pashinyan has held a meeting with the country’s Security Council, and decided to apply for assistance from the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO), Russia, and the UN Security Council. 

Russia and Armenia have a bilateral defensive pact and are both members of the CSTO. 

13 Sep 2022, 10:40

Skirmishes continue overnight

Skirmishes between Armenia and Azerbaijan continued overnight. The  Armenian Ministry of Defence and Human Rights Defender reported that Azerbaijani attacks have targeted civilian settlements and infrastructure. According to media reports, Azerbaijan used Grad missiles and other large-calibre weapons to target civilian settlements.