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#Arsen Magomedov

Daghestani court strikes down ban on protests near government buildings

The Constitutional Court of Daghestan upheld a complaint by supporters of imprisoned journalist Abdulmumin Gadzhiyev.

Daghestani court strikes down ban on protests near government buildings

The Constitutional Court of Daghestan upheld a complaint by supporters of imprisoned journalist Abdulmumin Gadzhiyev.

Daghestani activists detained in rally for arrested Meduza journalist

The protest was in solidarity for Meduza’s Ivan Golunov and Circassian activist Martin Kochesoko, both of whom were arrested on drug charges.

Daghestani activists detained in rally for arrested Meduza journalist

The protest was in solidarity for Meduza’s Ivan Golunov and Circassian activist Martin Kochesoko, both of whom were arrested on drug charges.