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#Beka Grigoriadis

Lazare Grigoriadis jailed on two-year-old charges, as pretrial detention term approaches end

The first person to face charges over the foreign agent protests has been jailed, shortly before the limit for being held in pretrial detention elapsed.

Lazare Grigoriadis jailed on two-year-old charges, as pretrial detention term approaches end

The first person to face charges over the foreign agent protests has been jailed, shortly before the limit for being held in pretrial detention elapsed.

Foreign agent law protester’s father sews shut mouth and eye

Beka Grigoriadis is demanding the release of his son, who was arrested for his participation in the March foreign agent law protests.

Foreign agent law protester’s father sews shut mouth and eye

Beka Grigoriadis is demanding the release of his son, who was arrested for his participation in the March foreign agent law protests.