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Georgian parliament paves the way for swathes of forestland to be handed to Orthodox Church

The law allows the Georgian Orthodox Church to claim hundreds of hectares of state-owned forests around churches and monasteries across the country.

Georgian parliament paves the way for swathes of forestland to be handed to Orthodox Church

The law allows the Georgian Orthodox Church to claim hundreds of hectares of state-owned forests around churches and monasteries across the country.

The name game in Azerbaijan: protection or discrimination?

Azerbaijan’s list of banned names is supposed to protect children from ridicule, but many suspect the true purpose is ethnic discrimnation.

The name game in Azerbaijan: protection or discrimination?

By Rahim Shaliyev

Azerbaijan’s list of banned names is supposed to protect children from ridicule, but many suspect the true purpose is ethnic discrimnation.

Voice | ‘Our families are as holy as yours’ — stories of acceptance

Despite widespread homophobic attitudes throughout the Caucasus, there are some queer people who find acceptance for who they are.

Voice | ‘Our families are as holy as yours’ — stories of acceptance

Despite widespread homophobic attitudes throughout the Caucasus, there are some queer people who find acceptance for who they are.

Court begins hearing Batumi mosque appeal after 2-year standstill

The lawsuit was brought by a group of Muslim’s against the city authorities over their refusal to grant a contruction permit.

Court begins hearing Batumi mosque appeal after 2-year standstill

The lawsuit was brought by a group of Muslim’s against the city authorities over their refusal to grant a contruction permit.

Trans woman ejected from Armenian parliament after appeal to MPs

Lilit Martirosyan gave an impassioned speech to MP’s calling for more protection for transgender people in the country.

Trans woman ejected from Armenian parliament after appeal to MPs

Lilit Martirosyan gave an impassioned speech to MP’s calling for more protection for transgender people in the country.

Transgender women ‘kicked out of’ Machakhela restaurant in Tbilisi as ‘unwanted clients’

The women said they were discriminated against because of their gender identity, a claim the restaurant’s management has denied.

Transgender women ‘kicked out of’ Machakhela restaurant in Tbilisi as ‘unwanted clients’

The women said they were discriminated against because of their gender identity, a claim the restaurant’s management has denied.

Council of Europe Racism Commission criticises Georgia’s state religious agency

The commission said the agency had not fulfilled its recommendations to cooperate with the public defender.

Council of Europe Racism Commission criticises Georgia’s state religious agency

The commission said the agency had not fulfilled its recommendations to cooperate with the public defender.

Equal and more equal: Abkhazia’s passport policy

Ethnic Armenians, Russians, Georgians, and others fear the reason behind new citizenship regulations is to deprive them of Abkhazian passports.

Equal and more equal: Abkhazia’s passport policy

By Stella Adleyba

Ethnic Armenians, Russians, Georgians, and others fear the reason behind new citizenship regulations is to deprive them of Abkhazian passports.

Iranian ambassador says there is ‘need to revisit’ Iran-Georgia visa agreement

The move comes after large numbers of Iranians were denied entry to Georgia as well as reports of border guards ‘disrespecting’ the Islamic headscarf.

Iranian ambassador says there is ‘need to revisit’ Iran-Georgia visa agreement

The move comes after large numbers of Iranians were denied entry to Georgia as well as reports of border guards ‘disrespecting’ the Islamic headscarf.

Georgian court orders authorities to provide water connection for Kobuleti Muslim school

The local mayor’s office had argued they could not do so because of ‘objections from neighbours’ leading to the school remaining closed.

Georgian court orders authorities to provide water connection for Kobuleti Muslim school

The local mayor’s office had argued they could not do so because of ‘objections from neighbours’ leading to the school remaining closed.