#Eduard Shevardnadze
Datablog | What were the greatest successes of Shevardnadze, the UNM, and Georgian Dream?
Each government of Georgia has had a wide range of successes; but how do the public see these successes from Shevardnadze’s time to the present?
Datablog | What were the greatest successes of Shevardnadze, the UNM, and Georgian Dream?
By Dustin GilbreathEach government of Georgia has had a wide range of successes; but how do the public see these successes from Shevardnadze’s time to the present?
Datablog | The greatest failures from Shevardnadze to Georgian Dream
While each Georgian government has had a range of successes, as described in another post published today, they have each had their own spectacular failures.
Datablog | The greatest failures from Shevardnadze to Georgian Dream
By Dustin GilbreathWhile each Georgian government has had a range of successes, as described in another post published today, they have each had their own spectacular failures.