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#hunger strike

Hunger striking South Ossetian prisoners ‘severely beaten’

South Ossetian Justice Minister questioned the legitimacy of the hunger strike.

Hunger striking South Ossetian prisoners ‘severely beaten’

South Ossetian Justice Minister questioned the legitimacy of the hunger strike.

Afghan war veterans in Daghestan go on hunger strike

Starting on 17 September, Afghan veterans of Daghestan declared a hunger strike in Makhachkala demanding better housing conditions.

Afghan war veterans in Daghestan go on hunger strike

Starting on 17 September, Afghan veterans of Daghestan declared a hunger strike in Makhachkala demanding better housing conditions.

Mothers of Daghestani detainees begin third week of ‘hunger strike’

The women say their sons were framed and tortured into giving false confessions.

Mothers of Daghestani detainees begin third week of ‘hunger strike’

The women say their sons were framed and tortured into giving false confessions.

Fired Justice Ministry official on hunger strike in Georgia

The courts ruled in 2017 that Tamaz Akhobadze was unfairly dismissed and must be given back his job.

Fired Justice Ministry official on hunger strike in Georgia

The courts ruled in 2017 that Tamaz Akhobadze was unfairly dismissed and must be given back his job.

Mass hunger strikes in Azerbaijan against ‘political prosecutions’

Activists say around 20 people in prison and on the outside are on hunger strike, including investigative journalist Khadija Ismayilova.

Mass hunger strikes in Azerbaijan against ‘political prosecutions’

Activists say around 20 people in prison and on the outside are on hunger strike, including investigative journalist Khadija Ismayilova.

Azerbaijani blogger’s hunger strike enters 13th day

New charges were brought against anti-corruption blogger Mehman Huseynov just two months before he was due to be released.

Azerbaijani blogger’s hunger strike enters 13th day

New charges were brought against anti-corruption blogger Mehman Huseynov just two months before he was due to be released.