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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Tens of thousands demonstrate in Tbilisi calling for EU membership

The pro-EU demonstration came after the European Commission recommended on Friday that Georgia be denied EU candidate status. 

Editorial | Georgia squanders a historic chance

Unless there is change in Georgia, it is unlikely that the EU’s rejection of the country will be reversed.

EU Commission recommends denying Georgia candidate status

The commission said that Ukraine and Moldova should be immediately offered candidacy.

President Zurabishvili vows to return to Georgia to ‘defend the country’s European future’

The president made the comments in Brussels, where she said the Georgian government had blocked her from visiting European capitals, including Kyiv.

Opposition leader wins first round in South Ossetia presidential poll

A second round between Nykhas Party head Alan Gagloyev and President Anatoly Bibilov is expected to be held in two weeks.

Pashinyan and Aliyev agree to establish border commission by April 

At a summit in Brussels, the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan also agreed to ‘work on the preparation of a future peace treaty’.

Ukrainian intelligence accuses Georgia of allowing Russia to dodge sanctions

According to Ukraine, the smuggling routes were being established to import military, dual-purpose, and civilian goods that have been subject to Western export controls in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

South Ossetia to ‘take legal steps’ towards annexation by Russia

The statement from President Anatoly Bibilov came as he fights for re-election and as South Ossetian soldiers in Russia’s military attack Ukraine.

Key rivals of South Ossetia’s Bibilov barred from running for president

The Central Election Commission refused to register former Defence Minister Ibragim Gassyeyev and MP David Sanakoyev.

Abkhazian parliamentary elections inconclusive

Abkhazians voted for a new parliament in the shadow of Russia’s war against Ukraine