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Russia to establish naval base in Abkhazia

The base will be established in Ochamchira (Ochamchire) ‘in the near future’.

Russia to establish naval base in Abkhazia

The base will be established in Ochamchira (Ochamchire) ‘in the near future’.

Abkhazia’s foreign minister warns of growing Georgian–Russian ties

Ardzinba also suggested that Georgia was militarily prepared to attack Abkhazia given the opportunity.

Abkhazia’s foreign minister warns of growing Georgian–Russian ties

Ardzinba also suggested that Georgia was militarily prepared to attack Abkhazia given the opportunity.

Confusion in Abkhazia as foreign minister ‘resigns’ and returns

The incident, which took place on Monday night, has prompted speculation regarding potential motives for the supposed resignation. 

Confusion in Abkhazia as foreign minister ‘resigns’ and returns

The incident, which took place on Monday night, has prompted speculation regarding potential motives for the supposed resignation. 

Outrage in Abkhazia after Medvedev suggests annexation to Russia

The former Russian president said Russia could annex Abkhazia and South Ossetia ‘if there are good reasons’.

Outrage in Abkhazia after Medvedev suggests annexation to Russia

The former Russian president said Russia could annex Abkhazia and South Ossetia ‘if there are good reasons’.

Abkhazians block prime minister’s convoy to demand road repairs

Residents of a village in Abkhazia have blocked the Prime Minister’s convoy in protest against a long-running lack of repairs to the village’s main road.

Abkhazians block prime minister’s convoy to demand road repairs

Residents of a village in Abkhazia have blocked the Prime Minister’s convoy in protest against a long-running lack of repairs to the village’s main road.

Sochi cruise liner causes stir in Batumi

Footage of Russian tourists taunting protesters and defending Russian policy in Georgia led to anger in Georgia.

Sochi cruise liner causes stir in Batumi

Footage of Russian tourists taunting protesters and defending Russian policy in Georgia led to anger in Georgia.

Abkhazia approves private Russian investor to fund reconstruction of Sukhumi airport

Abkhazian MPs have voted to ratify an agreement between Russia and Abkhazia allowing a private Russian investor to fund the reconstruction of the Sukhumi (Sukhum) international airport.

Abkhazia approves private Russian investor to fund reconstruction of Sukhumi airport

Abkhazian MPs have voted to ratify an agreement between Russia and Abkhazia allowing a private Russian investor to fund the reconstruction of the Sukhumi (Sukhum) international airport.

Floods cause power cuts and transport chaos in Abkhazia

Severe flooding has caused widespread devastation in western Abkhazia, after heavy rains over the weekend.

Floods cause power cuts and transport chaos in Abkhazia

Severe flooding has caused widespread devastation in western Abkhazia, after heavy rains over the weekend.

Abkhazian Interior Minister orders police to stop extorting tourists

The announcement marks the latest in an ongoing drive to stop traffic police taking bribes from tourists.

Abkhazian Interior Minister orders police to stop extorting tourists

The announcement marks the latest in an ongoing drive to stop traffic police taking bribes from tourists.

Sukhumi Mayor takes City Assembly to court over construction laws

Activists fear that the case could allow for unconstrained construction in Sukhumi’s historic centre, and indirectly make it easier for Russians to gain Abkhazian citizenship.

Sukhumi Mayor takes City Assembly to court over construction laws

Activists fear that the case could allow for unconstrained construction in Sukhumi’s historic centre, and indirectly make it easier for Russians to gain Abkhazian citizenship.