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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Podcast | Tumso fakes his death and Shukhuti plays leloburti

Why Tumso Abdurakhmanov faked his death and this Easter’s game of leloburti in western Georgia.

Podcast | Insurgency in the North Caucasus and Azerbaijanis grow weary of conflict

The latest battles between gunmen and the authorities in Ingushetia and Azerbaijani reactions to the border clashes with Armenia.

Former Abkhazian MP ‘beaten by President Bzhaniya’s son’

Tengiz Agrba has been hospitalised after allegedly being attacked by President Aslan Bzhaniya’s son and relatives.

Podcast | Senior Georgian judges sanctioned by US and Russia’s ban on Armenian dairy products

US sanctions on four senior Georgian judges and Russia’s ban on Armenian dairy products.

Russia bans Armenian dairy imports

The decision comes shortly after Russia criticised Armenia’s greenlighting ratification of the ICC treaty.

Activists rally against ‘monster’ building on Sukhumi seafront

The construction of a multi-storey building in a historic quarter of Abkhazia’s capital has prompted pushback from activists and architects.

Podcast | Exclusionary nationalism in Azerbaijan and getting away with sexual harassment in Georgia

The Azerbaijani regime’s exclusion of anti-war critics and Armenians, and the sexual harassment accusations against Shalva Ramishvili.

Georgian pro-government media owner hit with sexual harassment allegations

Ramishvili, a prominent pro-government public figure and anchor at POS TV, was found guilty of sexual harassment in 2018.

Podcast | A looming conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh and newborn trafficking in Georgia

The growing tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan and an alleged decades-long scheme of newborn trafficking in Georgia.

Podcast | Gen Z shaking up Georgian politics and the greenwashing of the Lachin blockade

How Georgia’s youth helped take down the foreign agent law and the ‘eco-activists’ behind the closure of the Lachin Corridor.