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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Abkhazia and South Ossetia scramble to prepare for coronavirus 

Residents of Abkhazia and South Ossetia without Russian passports will be prevented from entering Russia.

Coronavirus live updates | Armenia total rises to 102

Live updates with the latest news on the Coronavirus pandemic around the Caucasus.

Azerbaijani journalist Afgan Mukhtarli freed from prison

Mukhtarli was serving a 6-year sentence on charges widely condemned by rights groups as being trumped up.

Georgian miners in Tkibuli demand safety promises be fulfilled

Workers began their protest after five workers were poisoned in a mine shaft.

Coronavirus live updates | Georgia bans minibuses

Live updates with the latest news on the Coronavirus pandemic around the Caucasus.

Armenia declares a state of emergency

The State of Emergency over the coronavirus pandemic will be in force for one month.

Azerbaijan declares a ‘special regime’ to combat coronavirus

Azerbaijan has enacted a series of social exclusion measures to combat the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Georgia bans entry for all foreign citizens over coronavirus fears

The government said the ban will come into force on 18 March and will last two weeks.

Georgian PM announces $360 million stimulus over coronavirus pandemic

The measures come as the value of the lari hit an all-time low on Friday at almost ₾3 to the dollar. 

Abkhazia passes anti-corruption law, bowing to protesters’ demands

The long-fought-over legislation was passed following a campaign by activists that culminated in 10 days of hunger strikes.