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OC Media

Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Podcast | Inside Georgia’s foreign agent law protests

OC Media break down the 7–8 March protests against the Georgian foreign agent law.

Georgian foreign agent law to be dropped after second night of protests rock Tbilisi

The ruling party backed down after tens of thousands of people continued to take to the streets over what has been widely described as the ‘Russian law’.

Bzhaniya returns from ‘fruitful’ Russia–Belarus trip

The Abkhazian president was on a two-week visit to Moscow and Minsk in February.

Podcast | Boycotting the foreign agent law and sex as a weapon in Azerbaijan

How the foreign agent law can affect independent media in Georgia and sexual intimidation through leaks in Azerbaijan.

Abkhazian Parliament rejects ‘repressive’ State Security amendments

Critics of the amendments warned that they would allow authorities to stifle criticism or dissent.

Editorial | Only decisive action can save Georgia’s democracy

Georgia’s foreign agent law could spell the beginning of the end for Georgia’s experiment with democracy — unless decisive action is taken.

Podcast | A year into the war in Ukraine — how Russia’s invasion impacted the Caucasus

OC Media staff discuss the impact the war in Ukraine had on the Caucasus.

Podcast | A foreign agent law in Georgia and how Azerbaijan’s youth view neighbouring countries

The new foreign agent draft law in Georgia and a breakdown of data about how young Azerbaijanis view their country and neighbouring states.

Abkhazia announces plans to combat ‘anti-Russian sentiment’

Many Abkhazians fear this will be used to stifle criticism.

Podcast | Earthquake diplomacy and a new ‘code of conduct’ for journalists in Georgia’s parliament

Armenia offers assistance in the aftermath of the Turkey–Syria earthquake and a new code of conduct for journalists in the Georgian Parliament.