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OC Media

Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Podcast | The UNM’s political stunt and mounting tensions between Baku and Tehran

The UNM vows to pull out of parliament in exchange for Saakashvili’s freedom and last week’s attack on the Azerbaijani Embassy in Tehran.

Armenia releases map of territories ‘seized by Azerbaijan’ since 2020

The map was presented on Monday during Armenia’s bid for interim measures against Azerbaijan at the International Court of Justice.

International Geneva delegation banned from entering Abkhazia

An EU, UN, and OSCE delegation was scheduled to meet with Abkhaz officials on 8–9 February.

Podcast | Sports and ‘the Path of Akhmat’ and the political activists imprisoned in Azerbaijan

Ramzan Kadyrov uses sports to bolster his image and Azerbaijan’s persecution of political activists and figures.

Abandoned high-rises and housing assistance in Abkhazia

Struggling to make ends meet, some families in Abkhazia are demanding that the government help them escape cycles of rental and poverty.

Podcast | A power struggle in Stepanakert and Alt Info’s busy week

Rumours of Nagorno-Karabakh’s State Minister Ruben Vardanyan’s potential resignation and the latest on the activities of the far-right Alt Info.

What can the Caucasus expect in 2023? Our readers and staff give their takes

At the beginning of the year, we asked both our staff and readers to give their predictions of what might happen in 2023.

Podcast | How did the Caucasus fare in 2022?

The OC Media team discuss how they thought the past year would pan out and share some of their hot takes for 2023.

OC Media’s 10 best articles of 2022

We look back at the predictions, investigations, and insights of the 10 best articles published on OC Media in 2022.

Podcast | Saakashvili’s deteriorating health and Nagorno-Karabakh cut off

Reactions to the recent footage of imprisoned former President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili and updates on Nagorno-Karabakh ten days into the closure of Lachin corridor.