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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Daghestani ex-prime minister and his deputy found guilty of embezzlement of $640,000 of state funds

The former government head of Daghestan and his deputy were found guilty of embezzling $640,000.

Georgian archbishop accuses Patriarch Ilia II of ‘pederasty and sodomy’

The accusations have sent shockwaves through the Georgian Orthodox Church and the country.

Azerbaijani queer sex workers ‘offered money to hold anti-opposition rally’

Several queer sex workers were reportedly offered money in different Baku police stations to hold a rally in support of the police. 

US House of Representatives recognises the Armenian Genocide

The resolution passed with an overwhelming majority with 405 to 11 in favour.

Armenian communications regulator to force ISPs to collect user data

The data would include users’ browsing history, the platforms they use, and the time and addresses of emails being sent and received. 

Georgian Orthodox archbishop accuses government of plotting to overthrow the Patriarch

Iakob Iakobishvili accused PM Giorgi Gakharia, Interior Minister Vakhtang Gomelauri, and former PM Giorgi Kvirikashvili of being involved.

Georgia hit by massive cyber attack

Around 15,000 websites including major broadcasters, the National Bank, the president’s office, and civil society groups were hit.

South Ossetian security forces detain EUMM monitors

The EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia said the incident took place on Georgian-controlled territory.

North Caucasus rights groups under threat due to Russian Justice Ministry lawsuit

Rights groups in Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, and Daghestan could be at risk due to the lawsuit against Za Prava Cheloveka.

Daghestani Supreme Court ‘concealed’ ruling on Chechen border dispute

The territory in question had previously been the cause of a row between the two republics.