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Open Caucasus Media brings you news, commentary, multimedia, and podcasts from the North and South Caucasus.

Podcast | Lachin corridor closure and Georgia–Ukraine tensions

The closure of the Lachin corridor and the latest on Georgia–Ukraine relations.

Electricity prices to double in Abkhazia as rolling blackouts return

The price of electricity in Abkhazia is to almost double for the second time in less than a year, as an energy deal with Russia expires.

Podcast | Georgia’s ‘vague’ gender recognition laws and a Russian customs checkpoint on Lachin corridor

An overview of gender recognition legislation in Georgia and the latest updates on the Lachin corridor and Nagorno-Karabakh.

New forum reveals splits and points of convergence in Abkhazia’s opposition

The forum of opposition parties and activist groups revealed a wide range of shared grievances and a few points of contention.

Podcast | HIV in Georgia and Nakhchivan’s diminishing autonomy

A look at HIV statistics and interventions in Georgia and the future of Nakhchivan’s autonomous status within Azerbaijan.

Podcast | Ivanishvili's baobab trees and the CSTO in Yerevan

Kenya blocks the transportation of native baobab trees to a park set up by Georgian Dream founder Bidzina Ivanishvili and the CSTO convenes in Yerevan.

As Abkhazia and Belarus deepen ties, hopes of recognition remain faint

Since Lukashenka’s visit to Abkhazia earlier this year, ties between Abkhazia and Belarus have been growing stronger and more extensive.

Podcast | The fight for democracy in Azerbaijan and revisiting Chiatura

Pro-democracy and labour movements in Azerbaijan and Itkhvisi's continuing collapse.

Rolling blackouts re-introduced in Abkhazia

The power will be switched off for one-hour periods five times per day rotating through different regions of Abkhazia.

Podcast | Ukraine recognises Chechnya's independence and Nagorno-Karabakh's new State Minister

A volunteer fighter from a Chechen battalion in Ukraine discusses Ukraine's recognition of Ichkeria's independence and Tigran Grigoryan talks about Nagorno-Karabakh's internal politics.