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School guard sacked for sex with pupil

20 January 2017

A security guard at a school in Imereti, western Georgia, has been accused of having sexual intercourse with a 15-year-old pupil. Local media outlets report that the guard is a 40-year-old man, and the pupil a girl who had moved to the school one year previously.

On.ge writes that the Ministry of Education has confirmed this information, and that the ministry has appealed to social services and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) to take action. The ministry also confirmed that the guard was sacked in December.

The MIA is investigating the case. Having sexual relations with a minor under 16 is punishable by 7–9 years in jail.

According to On.ge, the girl has fallen pregnant, but the family does not wish to press charges against the guard, who plans to marry the girl.