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Voice | ‘Just give me back my children’

Chechen tradition dictates that children of divorce belong to the man and his family. Jamilya shares her story of being separated from her children.

Voice | ‘Just give me back my children’

Chechen tradition dictates that children of divorce belong to the man and his family. Jamilya shares her story of being separated from her children.

Ingushetia shaken by child abuse case

The seven-year-old child may lose her arm as a result of abuse.

Ingushetia shaken by child abuse case

The seven-year-old child may lose her arm as a result of abuse.

Armenian–Azerbaijani families — wishing the good times were back

While the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh rages on, mixed Armenian–Azerbaijani families in Georgia continue to thrive.

Armenian–Azerbaijani families — wishing the good times were back

By Gita Elibekyan

While the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh rages on, mixed Armenian–Azerbaijani families in Georgia continue to thrive.